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PermutationImportance(scoring=None, n_repeats=5, n_jobs=None, random_state=None, sample_weight=None, max_samples=1.0)

Wrapper around sklearn.inspection.permutation_importance.


  • scoring (str, callable, list, tuple, or dict, default: None ) –

    Scorer to use. If scoring represents a single score, one can use: - a single string; - a callable that returns a single value. If scoring represents multiple scores, one can use: - a list or tuple of unique strings; - a callable returning a dictionary where the keys are the metric names and the values are the metric scores; - a dictionary with metric names as keys and callables a values. Passing multiple scores to scoring is more efficient than calling permutation_importance for each of the scores as it reuses predictions to avoid redundant computation. If None, the estimator's default scorer is used.

  • n_repeats (int, default: 5 ) –

    Number of times to permute a feature.

  • n_jobs (int or None, default: None ) –

    Number of jobs to run in parallel. The computation is done by computing permutation score for each columns and parallelized over the columns. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors.

  • random_state (int, RandomState instance, default: None ) –

    Pseudo-random number generator to control the permutations of each feature. Pass an int to get reproducible results across function calls.

  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default: None ) –

    Sample weights used in scoring.

  • max_samples (int or float, default: 1.0 ) –

    The number of samples to draw from X to compute feature importance in each repeat (without replacement). - If int, then draw max_samples samples. - If float, then draw max_samples * X.shape[0] samples. - If max_samples is equal to 1.0 or X.shape[0], all samples will be used. While using this option may provide less accurate importance estimates, it keeps the method tractable when evaluating feature importance on large datasets. In combination with n_repeats, this allows to control the computational speed vs statistical accuracy trade-off of this method.

Source code in felimination/
def __init__(
    self.scoring = scoring
    self.n_repeats = n_repeats
    self.n_jobs = n_jobs
    self.random_state = random_state
    self.sample_weight = sample_weight
    self.max_samples = max_samples

__call__(estimator, X, y)

Computes the permutation importance.


  • estimator (object) –

    An estimator that has already been fitted and is compatible with scorer.

  • X ((ndarray or DataFrame, shape(n_samples, n_features))) –

    Data on which permutation importance will be computed.

  • y ((array - like or None, shape(n_samples) or (n_samples, n_classes))) –

    Targets for supervised or None for unsupervised.


  • importances_mean ( ndarray of shape (n_features, ) ) –

    Mean of feature importance over n_repeats.

Source code in felimination/
def __call__(self, estimator, X, y) -> Any:
    """Computes the permutation importance.

    estimator : object
        An estimator that has already been fitted and is compatible
        with scorer.
    X : ndarray or DataFrame, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Data on which permutation importance will be computed.
    y : array-like or None, shape (n_samples, ) or (n_samples, n_classes)
        Targets for supervised or `None` for unsupervised.

    importances_mean : ndarray of shape (n_features, )
        Mean of feature importance over `n_repeats`.
    return permutation_importance(